In 1961, in his “Farewell Address,” President Eisenhower warned of the emerging power of the
“military-industrial complex.” In the ensuing almost fifty years, that warning has gone
unheeded, and we have been engaged in what Gore Vidal calls “perpetual war.” Our military
and so-called “national security” expenditures exceed the total of what the entire rest of
the world spends.
We by far export more weapons than any other country. We maintain at least 750 military bases
around the world. We are what Martin Luther King called the “greatest purveyor of violence in
the world.” So much of what we now do in the name of national security (including our wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan) actually undermines our security, not only by multiplying our enemies,
bankrupting our treasury, and instigating international arms races, but by perpetuating massive
The insanity of our course is exemplified in the system surrounding the anthrax letters of 2001.
This, the only bio-attack in our history, is an officially acknowledged “inside job,” one that
we know originated from our own so-called “biodefense” program. No, the anthrax letters were not
the work of a “lone nut.” They were the work of our military-industrial-intelligence complex, a
complex of revolving participants that manufactures weapons and war for power and profits.
The decision in early 2001 to unilaterally reject inspections and verification as a part of
international bioweapons arms control (precisely to avoid inspections of our secret
weaponization projects) was the choice to pursue arms race over arms control. The anthrax
letters that soon followed served and fulfilled two purposes. As a “false flag operation,” with
language in the letters that read “Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is Great,” the
anthrax attacks played a major role in the run-up to the Iraq war. As a stimulator of fear of
bio-threat, the anthrax attacks served as the pretext for a massive expansion of our so-called
biodefense program, with expenditures on this program quickly becoming twenty times what they
were before the attacks.
I am a longtime resident of Frederick, Maryland, home of Fort Detrick. Fort Detrick has been
headquarters for our biowarfare/biodefense programs ever since their inception in 1943. The plan
is to make Detrick the site of a National Inter-agency Biodefense Campus (NIBC). Construction
of two of the NIBC’s facilities is already completed, one an NIH facility called the Integrated
Research Facility (IRF), the other a Homeland Security (DHS) facility called the National
Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC). Both NIH and DHS have already entered
into contracts worth $750 million with the same private company for the management and operation
of these facilities – the name of that company is Battelle. DHS is also entrusted with
constructing the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), a 500,000 square foot facility,
which will have within its walls more BSL-4 laboratory space than three times the total amount
of BSL-4 space in the entire country as of 2004. All indications are that DHS will be
contracting with Battelle to manage and operate this facility as well.
Just the week before this memorandum is being submitted, there were three separate Congressional
committees conducting hearings about the massive proliferation of high-security bio-laboratories
being built across the country. In the first such hearings that took place back in October,
2007, Keith Rhodes of the GAO testified: “High-risk labs have health risks for individual lab
workers as well as the surrounding community . . . [E]ven labs within sophisticated biological
research programs, including those most extensively regulated, have had and will continue to
have safety failures." Only massive delusion can explain how in all of these hearings, no one
except the GAO is seriously questioning the need for, the rationale behind this proliferation.
The multitude of government-sponsored advisory panels, like the National Research Council
committee that just issued a 161-page report, practically all appear to begin with the
assumption that this proliferation is essential to national security. Only massive delusion
can explain how we could assume that the necessary response to the only bioattack in our
history is to massively expand the program that itself generated that attack.
To read this entire report, go to:
See: Anthrax War videos
CNN Anthrax Attacks Propaganda Exposed