You may be highly skeptical, as was I, regarding UFO stories. The below work done by credible filmographer James C. Fox, as recounted in the video interview with Paul Anthony Wallis (a remarkable scholar whom I greatly admire) has convinced me of both the reality of UFO's as well as of the long-standing official coverup of years of official knowledge and involvement with extra-terrestrial materials and probably even entities.

The above video has been censored. That ought to tell us something. For related info, watch the following:

The above video is placed here by the webmaster of BigEye who taught at college on a graduate assistanship in 1960 while studying single-celled organisms. Faced by anything that confronts current dogma, both verified facts as well as authors, regardless of credentials or merit, are labeled "pseudo". (e.g., "pseudoscientist", "pseudoarchaeologist", etc.) For mind blowing biochemical material, find Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box and study by Stephen C. Meyer. There are many fascinating videos at including Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Joe Rogan, Billy Carson, Robert M. Schoch, Paul Wallis, etc. Academia take note.

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