I and others have barely scratched the surface of the hoaxing and propaganda inflicted upon America's masses. The deeper one goes down that rabbit hole the more pronounced and obvious the agenda becomes. For the few of you able to escape the hypnotic effect of television and its support by mainline print media, a link to the following online pdf file is submitted:
To stop the present horror and stop wars we must return the control of America's currency to Congress, AS REQUIRED BY OUR CONSTITUTION. Move your money into STRONG local credit unions, hard assets, and FIXED annuity companies rated A+ and A++
The above link takes time to load. It goes to the Internet Archive
The above unelected men run the show, but NOT FOR US.
Listen to George Carlin (below)
Without MASS PROTESTS who knows how much longer the Pentagon's war-mongers, the CIA, and the U.S. Congress, paid off by the bankers, would have waged war in Asia? Years ago America's banker-run government wiped out the inhabitants of a desirable port city in Japan. Many cars on American roads today are built in Hiroshima.
Unelected super-rich traitors now running the CDC, WEF, WHO, World Bank, and UN, are convinced that all is well for themselves as long as they can continue hoodwinking Americans with propaganda (news broadcasts) over television networks that they own so that they can rule the whole world. Our job must be initially done through MASS PROTESTS, regardless of what others think or say.
There are enough persons using the internet today that by the time that this program becomes unacceptable to the dreadful few, we will have planted the seeds to grow into massive organized resistance. We are many. They are few!
Unlike disarmed citizens in Canada, the UK, Australia, and much of Europe, Americans are armed to the teeth for personal protection. We are equipped to protect our Liberty thanks to the historical knowledge and foresight of those who signed the U.S. Constitution, including its Second Amendment. They drafted it specifically for an inevitable crisis such as the one we face today, and to protect the U.S. Constitution's first ten amendments, our cherished Bill of Rights:
The Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the freedom of assembly and the freedom to petition. It also prohibits unreasonable search and seizure, cruel and unusual punishment and compelled self-incrimination. Among the legal protections it affords, the Bill of Rights prohibits Congress from making any law respecting establishment of religion and prohibits the federal government from depriving any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law.
Young Americans came together, only a generation or two ago, Whites, Blacks, Jews, Gentiles, Hispanics, Asians, etc., those who valued national law, encoded in our U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights. That law confirms the fundamental right given to us, not from any government, but that comes from God, to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . We Americans are blessed, protected by the legal right to demand world peace, liberty and personal survival, including the right to refuse more of their strange 'health injections'.
These are again the times that try men's souls. To set Americans against one another the usual suspects' scheme is to divide us. They use television to headline and inflame selected issues, setting political parties against one another, red versus blue, gun owners against gun opponents, right-to-lifers against pro-abortions, black against white, even men against women. Their goal is to direct all dissent from themselves to prevent us from orgainzing against the huge real threat that they themselves present.
Americans of all ages, regardless of varying viewpoints on other issues, must protest together, focusing on critical matters if we are to restore our Constitution and save Liberty. Show up in numbers. Do not fall for debating fringe issues.
Grasp the wisdom of THAT GOVERNMENT IS BEST WHICH GOVERNS LEAST. Focus on your own families, neighbors, local communities, your local banks and depositor-owned credit unions. Protect and defend our great country's historically unique Constitutional Bill of Rights. This CAN be done. We have the numbers and the means to do it.
Demand freedom for yourselves, your families, and for future generations on this continent, as well as throughout the world. Put a stop to their WORLD WAR-III. Repeat Vietnam era protests. As George Carlin put it so well when speaking of politicians and their billionaire elite controllers, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU.
Note: Just so you don't have to look them up, here are Mario Savio's closing words:
PLEASE HELP. Add this letter to social media pages
Text to your cell-phone contacts: bigeye.org and newswatch.org
See Miles Williams Mathis' Writings "Best of the Fake Events Essays . . .", open and read "The Hidden King . . .", a pdf file. ![]() See hanging microphone and note "studio" lighting.
NASA has hoaxed the world since its Apollo "moon program". Manned "space shuttles" and "space station" are nonsense.
There is ample pre-college background online for NASA's Judith Resnik, including a
worshiping father, Marvin, and her high-school years near home in Akron,
Ohio. NASA's narrative is that she went on to study electrical engineering at
Carnegie-Mellon and then earned a PhD in EE from The University of
Maryland before dying in Challenger's explosion. There is less background online for Attorney Judith Resnik. She emerges as a brilliant Bryn Mawr student at age 18 who graduated in 1972 and then went to law school at New York University, graduating in 1975. Attorney Judith Resnik's resume has her leaving, in 1980, a position at Yale to teach law at the University of Southern California in downtown Los Angeles. She remained in that area until returning east to Yale in 1997. If that time-line for Attorney Resnik is accurate, it puts her in Los Angeles, home of Hollywood and Paramount Studios, at the time of the Challenger's explosion in January 1986 and she did not return to Yale until 1997. Soon after Challenger's 1986 explosion NASA-Judith Resnik's heart-broken father, Marvin, moved from Akron, Ohio to Encinitas, California where he remained until his death in March, 2010. Prior to his death, he collected more than $2 million from the manufacturer of Challenger's O-Rings, failure of which had been determined by NASA to have been the cause of his beloved daughter's "death". That is why I say, THANK YOU, NASA! (feel free to copy and post this column)![]() I wonder if "heart-broken" Marvin Resnik ever knew that a brilliant young woman who, coincidentially, bore an uncanny resemblance to his beloved daughter, as well as carried his daughter's name, Judith Resnik, was, for more than a decade, only a 90-minute drive away. UPDATE (posted 08-11-15): In his obituaries and elsewhere it is said that Marvin Resnik moved to California in 1987 for retirement. In 2002 he established and incorporated Deep Creek Eye Care, Inc., located at 261 Viaduct Tierra, Encinitas, CA 92024 |
The entire world is watching, praying, and hoping that Americans WAKE UP. Our nation, mankind's great opportunity for managing self-government, is in jeopardy. We must not permit Mr. Jefferson's "great experiment" to fail. Let us again struggle together to structure a more just, more humane, and a stronger Republic for ourselves and future generations.
![]() Must see — Money As Debt |
A few favorite classical music videos Open, play, minimize, enjoy when browsing this extraordinary website Best online streaming classical music (B.E. webmaster was a founding member) Written in memory of my younger brother, Robert Ogilby, PhD (1935-1997) on what would have been his 80th birthday: Would Diderot Advocate Strangulation Today? |